Advisors Promote Health And Wellness

Clients hire an advisor to focus on their money. But some advisors take a broader view. Increasingly, health and wellness play a central role as advisors collaborate with clients on formulating a comprehensive, long-term financial plan. Issues related to diet, smoking and stress enter into their discussions. Advisors who gently prod clients to adopt healthier habits strengthen their relationship and produce added value. For example, they might persuade individuals to take steps to reduce risk factors that threaten their longevity. "If I think a client is responsive, I'll give them information on how they can make healthier choices," said Susan Pack, a certified financial planner in Cincinnati. "They see that I'm interested in their entire well-being." Part of the reason for advisors' interest in a client's health reflects surging medical costs. Health care spending will rise at an average annual rate of 5.5% from 2017 to 2026, according ...